Child Nutrition: From Birth till 12 Months

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By Elena Bianchi

One of your primary worries as a mother is your newborn’s health which is strongly linked to his or her diet. It is crucial to be aware of how dietary needs change from birth to twelve months of age. An age-appropriate diet for children is one that supplies appropriate nutrition and proper to the stage of development of the child and will not cause unhealthy states such as childhood obesity. Of course, the child’s genetic makeup and DNA come into play as well but these you have little control over. So let’s look at some beneficial dietary recommendations.

From birth until six months

During the first 4 to 6 months of life, infants need only breast milk or formula food alternatives to meet their nutritional needs. If the baby is breast fed, you may need to nurse anywhere between 8 to 12 times a day (every 2 to 4 hours). After four months, breast-feeding may be minimized to 4 – 6 times a day; however, the amount of breast milk consumed each time will increase.

When using formulas to feed babies, these may need to eat a bit less frequently, about 6 – 8 times a day, with amounts of about 60 – 90 grams at a time (a total amount of 400 – 700 grams per day). as for breastfeeding, the number of feedings will decrease as the child grows, but the amount of milk consumed with each feeding session will also increase. It is anything but unusual to wake up for a night feed- this is especially true if your baby does not eat enough during the day or if he or she is underweight. have regular checkups with your doctor to monitor the growth of your child and check whether dietary needs are being met. remember that post natal care and medical recommendations is just as crucial as pregnancy tests and other prenatal care. 

Between four and six months of age, birth weight must have doubled. You can easily examine whether your baby is ready to switch to solid foods. It is important, however, to avoid switching to solids too early as suffocation or choking can occur. Make sure your child has good control over movements of its head and neck and is able to sit up.

In terms of food, begin with iron-fortified cereal or rice mixed with breast milk or formula. This feed must be given a couple of times a day. The cereals can also be mixed in buy to obtain a thicker consistency, when the child learns to control the movements of its mouth. go over the use of water with your doctor. (In some cases, giving too much water to a baby can cause seizures)

Between six and eight months

Continue to offer breast milk or formula between 3 and 5 times a day (avoiding cow’s milk until 1 year of age). note that the infant will gradually need less they get used to a variety of solid foods.

After trying cereals, fruit and vegetables can be introduced gradually – it is crucial to introduce them slowly so as to avoid allergic reactions. You can start with basic vegetables such as peas, potatoes, carrots, sweet potatoes, pumpkins, beans, beetroot, and fruits including bananas, apples, apricots, pears, peaches and melon. always give the vegetables before fruits as the sweetness of the fruit can make the taste of vegetables less appealing if given before. You can take 2 to 3 tablespoons of fruit and vegetables and make 3 – 4 servings per day.

Between eight and twelve months

Continue to give the breast milk or formula between 3 and 4 times a day with the addition of cereals, fruits and vegetables. You can increase the quantity of fruit and vegetables given to 4 tablespoons, four times a day.

At the 8 – 12 months of age, a child will be ready to try very tender cuts of meat as well as mince. This introduction of meat will improve the supply of iron to the baby; this is undoubtedly crucial because breast milk is a not a rich source of iron. You can also give the child eggs, but using only the yolk until the baby is a year old as some children are sensitive to egg whites.

It is crucial to note that a balanced diet is crucial for us all and not just for kids. thanks to research by nutritionists and even to new discoveries about human genes thanks to DNA testing (more about DNA testing can be found by clicking here). We have a lot more extensive information on our food and our ability to metabolize certain substances. We also know the role our genes play in our body’s abilitysulattaa ja hajottaa ruokaa ja erilaisia ​​molekyylejä, joista ruokaa muodostuu. Itse asiassa alustavien testien lisäksi, jotka voivat tiedottaa meille ruoka-intoleransseistamme, on myös geneettisiä DNA-testejä, jotka antavat paljon perusteellisempaa tietoa. Ne voivat luoda ruokavalion, joka täydentää henkilökohtaista geneettistä vaihtelua.

Elena Bianchi on kirjailija, joka on erikoistunut DNA -testauksen alaan. Erityisen mielenkiintoisia alueita ovat prenataaliset testit ja tieteellinen kehitys tällä alueella, erityisesti autoimmuunisairauksiin, geneettisiin sairauksiin ja sikiön terveyteen. Kirjailija osallistuu usein useisiin blogeihin ja tietosivustoihin.

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